For pro-active landlords
Granting and maintaining Tenancies
Get the right advice before you grant a tenancy
Avoid the common mistakes made by new landlords and some that are made by the most experienced. Landlords stand the best chance of making letting a property profitably if they get the correct advice before granting any tenancy
Many common problems in the relationship of landlord and tenant are caused by not doing the right things at the right time - before the start of the tenancy
Often errors made before or at the grant of a tenancy are very difficult and costly to remedy later
We can provide comprehensive advice on the terms of your proposed tenancy as well as the rules surrounding tenant fees, deposit protection, gas safety, EPC and the right to rent
We can draft bespoke tenancy agreements and variations to tenancy agreements to order
We can also give you expert advice on what you should include; and what you should do and what you should not
We can also provide you with annual health-checks and regular updates on the law - don't get caught out
Find out more by calling 07305 188 103 or email